The pandemic has caused a major shift in how, when, where and why we use Wi-Fi. Residents in multi-dwelling units (MDUs), including apartment buildings, student housing and senior living communities, need better connectivity to be able to do more, watch more and connect more devices. A Managed Wi-Fi solution offers property-wide secure, reliable and fast internet.
Apartments and Condos
The work-from-home trend isn’t going anywhere. Even with the hope of the vaccine on the horizon, many employees have found that having a flexible schedule increases productivity and may never head back into the office. Meanwhile, parents who usually depend on daycare or school are managing virtual school on the tablets for their first grader, a show on Netflix for their toddler and a Zoom meeting with their team all at the same time. Don’t forget about the smart thermostat, video-monitored doorbell, and a variety of other IoT devices in almost every apartment.
These new demands on bandwidth are no match for Managed Wi-Fi. Give residents the choice of bandwidth they need along with an intuitive management portal to choose passwords and update their settings so they can stay on top of whatever it is they are doing or connecting. Plus, instant onboarding and property-wide access means that residents (and all their devices) are connected from the day they move in, in their apartment, at the pool, getting their mail, wherever.
Student Housing
Student life isn’t on a typical 9-5 schedule: bandwidth is needed all hours of the day. Binging, gaming, studying or working, students are busy and reliable Wi-Fi is a must. However, can a student working on a presentation due tomorrow have the access they need if all of their roommates are gaming all hours of the night? Bandwidth management limits bandwidth hogs and ensures that every student has great connectivity and a good experience, at any hour.
Senior Living
Limited visitor restrictions at many senior and assisted living communities mean more Zoom calls with loved ones and more time filled on devices. Managed Wi-Fi uses a single SSID, which reduces network complexity and makes it simple to use for residents that might not be digitally savvy. It also offers improved security for vulnerable seniors.
Property-wide connectivity means that residents stay connected in common areas as well, so they don’t need to find another Wi-Fi network or remember another password if they are eating in the dining room or playing cards with a friend. Nomadix Managed Wi-Fi benefits all kinds of tenants, but it’s also great for property managers and network administrators as well. Smart billing and management means decreased support calls, straightforward provisioning and controlled bandwidth. Why should you rethink how you offer Wi-Fi? This is a great example of what Managed Wi-Fi looks like for dozens of properties nationwide with one of our partners, Dish: